Dogchies® All-Natural Hemp Extract Dog Bites

Be Trū Wellness™


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If your dog loves a treat but needs that little bit of CBD to help them through their day, Dogchies® Hemp Extract Dog bites by Be Trū’ are a delicious option.

These hemp-based dog treats are easy for your dog to chew, but offer that crunch that they love so much. Made with all-natural ingredients these Dogchies® dog bites are Non-GMO, free of chemicals, pesticides and contain 2 mg of organic Be Trū Wellness hemp extract.

1 Treat per 25 lbs. of your dog’s weight
Twice daily


The mantra of Be Trū Wellness™ is that your health is in your hands, so encourage you to; “live with your body, take control and manage it naturally.”

Be Trū Wellness™ place ‘YOU’ at the heart of your well-being journey. They see their products as offering natural support to your lifestyle, to help you feel your best and energize your body.

Be Trū Wellness™ is founded by those who have deeply personal stories of health and wellbeing issues, ranging from celiac disease to severe gastrointestinal disorders and stress. The common factor is that they all benefited from the positive effects of CBD and a desire to share it with the world.

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